Shadow Wedding Trainings and Certification
Due to the demands of time and space, we can't facilitate Shadow Weddings all over the US or world. But with you on our team, we can make sure that those who want a facilitated Shadow Wedding can experience one!
Our facilitator trainings will prepare you to take couples through multiple Shadow Wedding meetings, the ritual itself, and the follow-up meeting.
This three-day weekend will teach you the basic principles of our process with couples.
- Supervised facilitation on your own shadow issues
- How to determine if couples are fit for a Shadow Wedding
- Working with the top five engagement challenges
- Keys to creating a safe and transformative environment for the ritual
- How to follow up with couples to assure integration
This five-day program builds on the skill set acquired in Level 1, and for individuals or couples who meet the criteria, culminates in certification. As a Certified Shadow Wedding facilitator, you'll receive:
- Referrals from our "hub" to facilitate Shadow Weddings in your geographical area
- Your photo and bio on our website, recognizing you as a certified facilitator
- Media interviews in your geographical area that we pass on to you
- Ongoing supervisory support from Jim and Jessica as you work with couples
Our first Level 1 weekend is scheduled for December 2015. Please contact us for more details.